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Looking to expand your knowledge base and connect with like-minded individuals in the tech community? Join our meetups, both online and face to face, and gain valuable insights from tech experts while sharing your own experiences. Our community of learners is passionate about exchanging knowledge and collaborating on the latest trends and advancements in technology. Through meaningful discussions and networking opportunities, we can grow and evolve together!

About Us
We are the leading sports betting provider in Germany, and we electrify the betting experience with thrilling moments of Spannung. But behind the scenes, we dial up the Spannung in our working lives too, as part of a culture bursting with energy and ambition. For ourselves and each other, we persistently maximise our own personal Spannung, committing to our daily work with unstoppable exhilaration and sky-high voltage!
In other words: We Maximise Spannung in the world of sports betting!